This image, provided by Osram Sylvania, shows what the company says is the first LED bulb that shine as brightly as regular 100-watt incandescent bulbs.
Missing the 100 watt light bulbs that are notorious energy hogs? Now you can get LED bulbs that roughly match the 100-watters for size and brightness, but use far less energy according to the Associated Press.
Since the 100W bulbs have nearly disappeared, compact fluorescent bulbs seemed to be the only alternative. But "most people see the light quality as less pleasing, and the bulbs contain a small amount of mercury that's released if the glass breaks."
By contrast, the LED bulbs do not contain any hazardous substances, are much more durable, and last longer. These bulbs use 20 watts of electricity, and are slightly larger than a regular 100-watt bulb, so it may not fit in all fixtures.
The federal government banned the manufacture of regular 100-watt bulbs on January 1 because of new energy-efficiency standards. Unlike incandescent bulbs, LEDs use less energy, and are quickly becoming the efficient technology of the future.
Source: Associated Press
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