Business owners are beginning to see the benefits of retrofitting their lighting systems to more efficient ones.
The lighting retrofit industry is quickly evolving, improving, and gaining traction. Business owners are beginning to see the benefits of upgrading their lighting systems to more efficient ones.
And while you plan for energy efficient solutions next year, there are still some misconceptions among those who are unfamiliar with products and the technological advances that have been made in recent years.
Three of the most common misconceptions about lighting retrofits are:
Misconception #1: Existing light levels are what they should be
The truth: existing lighting levels may be what employees are used to but very rarely are they what the light levels need to be. In fact, adjusting to higher lighting levels can help boost productivity.
Misconception #2: Light levels should be even throughout an entire facility
The truth: typically when a building is designed, the same light fixtures are installed throughout the building. In reality, light levels should be adjusted for the type of activity being performed in specific areas throughout the facility.
But lighting levels are not the only factor; usage plays a big role as well. For example, one side of the building, such as an office area, may be used more often than the other side of the building, such as a warehouse or storage area. Motion detection or sensors on lights are a great way to reduce the usage and levels of lighting in a facility.
Misconception #3: Existing lighting fixtures need to be replaced
The truth: With emerging technology, there's virtually a retrofit for every existing fluorescent fixture out there. Retrofitting lights to a more efficient option is relatively low cost in terms of materials, labor, and disposal.
In some cases, replacing old lighting fixtures is the best way to save on utility usage and costs.
Do you have a lighting retrofit question? Contact us at or call our office at 913-310-0705 and let us help you in your search to dubunk lighting retrofit misconceptions.
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